Wednesday, August 18, 2010


When we talk of destressing, most of us are aware of the humpteen ways to detress.So what prevents us from enjoying this benefit when we are aware of the ways?

Its putting something into actual practice that poses a very big problem.Sometimes starting is not a problem but doing it regularly and consistently is the problem.Is there a solution to this.Yes.Self motivation plays a very important role.How to do this?
Every individual is unique.So what works for one may not work for the other.Decide what works for every individual.For eg.,looking at a hand written note, to say, remind one of doing excercises may motivate some to do it regularly.Some may require external motivation.Joining a group of like minded individuals may help others.Choose one that works best for every individual.
Some individuals might feel i start something but never able to complete it.Whatever I do nothing works for me.When we get to this state, Bach flower remedies gives us a helping hand.They help individuals overcome this emotional state.
We must have come across individuals who say,I know I have Diabetes,I should take a prescribed diet and excercise and all that but not able to follow it for one reason or another.Its here in such situations,Chestnut Bud flower essence helps the individual. It aids in understanding errors from our past experiences. Helps break such repetitive non-productive habits.
There are some individuals,who feel most of the time ,well doctor  I am a lazy person.Do not expect me to rouse myself and excercise.Thats just not me.Bach remedies also addresses these and a host of other issues.We can call them handicaps that prevent us from living our lives to the full.
Here I might add not just Flower remedies, but the rightly selected homeopathic constituional remedy also produces such dramatic changes in an individuals perception of events. But the selection of the correct remedy requires diligence and systematic approach to the case as a whole.

So in conclusion to this theme today of destressing,first decide on a plan and then think of how to put it into action in a consistent manner.In the next one lets see some of the ways  we are already aware of.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Human relationships

Relationships seem quite complicated at times and at other times are pretty smooth sailing.Most of us have felt like this at one time or other in life.

What makes things complicated?Is it our individual desires and wants and perceptions which colour whatever goes right or wrong in the relationship? Should be.Becos we are responsible for all the right and wrong that happens.

Can any human being earn a good name from one and all, most of the time? Not  possible.
And this is where things might go wrong with the person in question.And can create headaches and complications depending on the closeness with that person and this sets up an internal conflict in our mind and is termed as 'STRESS'.

So how to destress?Lots of ways.Lets see some of them in the next blog.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

counselling help

Hello everyone!
I have started this blog with the idea of sharing emotional experiences and helping out one another in this challenge filled saga of life. Who does not have emotion filled experiences?
Most of us encounter situations where we have to deal with our responses or reactions to situations.Good or bad, right or wrong, there they are, our unique experiences. We sometimes feel sorry, feel regretful, to have behaved like that.Or we may feel anger, bitterness towards the situation or the people who created them in the first place. Whatever be the reaction, who likes negative situations? We all desire in our hearts to remember happy situations.Do we not imagine ourselves as being always happy, capable of facing any kind of challenges? Do we not imagine ourselves as being kind and generous, with loads and loads of money which we can use to help others? Do we not wish for a family and working atmosphere that makes us cheerful and at peace with ourselves and the world?
Is this not our ultimate wish? To be happy and at peace with one and all. Can we not strive to make this a reality ... I feel it is possible to help one another through this journey of life. We might fall but we can support one another. As someone who sees people with health and other issues almost every day, I feel that the Internet is a very good forum to share our experiences. We do not have constraints, we do not have to identify ourselves in person where we feel too shy to do so.
Okay, now for my background and what I can do personally. I am a trained Homoeopathic doctor based in India, and have practised my system for the last several years.With my training and experience, I hope to help people in need with my knowledge of  Bach remedies. These remedies are aimed at different types of emotional problems .We have Bach flower remedies available easily from stores in most cities in India. People can try them out and send me their feedback. I can collect this feedback and organize and publish that knowledge so that others can also be helped.
Now, speaking of my experience with Bach flower remedies, I also do take them as and when I need them. Though I have studied Homeopathy, I too am a human being with almost all the problems which we might face at work, at home and when we go out into the wide world. Flower remedies have helped me a lot, and I also prescribe them to others often.
And a personal note - I have not started this blog with the purpose of commercialisation.The model I would like to use is, you share situations with me, and I suggest names of remedies.You buy them from a nearby location, try them and give me the feedback. I really hope I can help as many people as I can with this unique and extremely useful system! Thank you!